Combating the Multicollinearity in Bell Regression Model: Simulation and Application


  • G. A. Shewa Department of Mathematical Sciences, Taraba State University, Jalingo/Taraba, Nigeria
  • F. I. Ugwuowo Department of Statistics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka/Enugu, Nigeria


Bell regression, Liu, Multicollinearity, Poisson regression, Ridge


Poisson regression model has been popularly used to model count data. However, over-dispersion is a threat to the performance of the Poisson regression model. The Bell Regression Model (BRM) is an alternative means of modelling count data with over-dispersion. Conventionally, the parameters in BRM is popularly estimated using the Method of Maximum Likelihood (MML). Multicollinearity posed challenge on the efficiency of MML. In this study, we developed a new estimator to overcome the problem of multicollinearity. The theoretical, simulation and application results were in favor of this new method.


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How to Cite

Combating the Multicollinearity in Bell Regression Model: Simulation and Application. (2022). Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 4(3), 713.



Original Research

How to Cite

Combating the Multicollinearity in Bell Regression Model: Simulation and Application. (2022). Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 4(3), 713.